Liderazgo y Negocios

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Building a culture of learning at work

A few years ago, leaders at the Gates Foundation reached out to see if I could help them improve their culture. They already had a strong culture of performance: They hired world-class scientists and maintained excellence of execution. Their goal was to improve their learning culture, in which people have the humility to know what they don’t know and the curiosity to rethink the way they’ve always done things.

Leaders need to be good writers, too

You’ve probably already drawn up your list of resolutions and goals for 2022. Allow me to make a pitch for adding one more: improving your writing skills. Yes, that may sound like one of those evergreen goals. But it’s particularly relevant for leadership right now. After all, most communications from leaders, whether they are company-wide emails, memos, or tweets, start out in written form. Getting them right helps build a strong culture—a bigger challenge now that some form of hybrid work is going to be with us for a long time.

Why Great Leadership Fuels Innovation |

Admit it: you’re a little obsessed with innovation. I don’t blame you. Considering how fast markets evolve in today’s global economy and how quickly technology changes compared with even a decade ago, your growth almost certainly depends on creating new products–and new ways to serve customers–no matter what industry you’re in.